Newsday (N.Y.): Keyshawn works, hangs out at Hall

By Art Spander
Special to Newsday
CANTON, Ohio -- No one from the Jets or Giants went into the Pro Football Hall of Fame this year, but former Jet Keyshawn Johnson, now working for ESPN, managed to attend.
Before working yesterday's telecast, Johnson attended an invitation-only party Friday night at the McKinley Grand Hotel with dozens of other former players, many of whom (Steve Young, Elvin Bethea and Warren Moon) are in the Hall.
Johnson, a wide receiver from USC, was the No. 1 pick in the 1996 draft by the Jets. He went on to the Bucs, Cowboys and Panthers before retiring after the 2006 season.
Trippi makes the trek
Among the 80 or so Hall of Famers in attendance for the weekend was Charlie Trippi, 88, who played in the 1943 Rose Bowl game for Georgia, went into the military and returned after World War II to play two more years for Georgia.
Trippi, a running back, was drafted in 1947 by the Cardinals, then in Chicago, and signed what one newspaper called "the unheard-of sum of $100,000." That season he led the Cardinals to the NFL title.
Blinded by the light
The Bengals, who play the Cowboys here today, toured the Hall of Fame and Terrell Owens walked by, wearing sunglasses in the indoor shrine.
Berman receives award
ESPN's Chris Berman was given the Pete Rozelle radio-television award at the Friday night ceremonies. Peter Finney Sr. of the New Orleans Times-Picayune got the McCann Award of the Pro Football Writers.
McDonald shows old moves
When introduced Friday night, Tommy McDonald, the 5-9 former receiver (1957-1968) with Philadelphia, Dallas, the Rams, Atlanta and Cleveland, danced up the runway and then embraced each of the seven inductees from this year.
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Copyright © 2010 Newsday. All rights reserved.
Special to Newsday
CANTON, Ohio -- No one from the Jets or Giants went into the Pro Football Hall of Fame this year, but former Jet Keyshawn Johnson, now working for ESPN, managed to attend.
Before working yesterday's telecast, Johnson attended an invitation-only party Friday night at the McKinley Grand Hotel with dozens of other former players, many of whom (Steve Young, Elvin Bethea and Warren Moon) are in the Hall.
Johnson, a wide receiver from USC, was the No. 1 pick in the 1996 draft by the Jets. He went on to the Bucs, Cowboys and Panthers before retiring after the 2006 season.
Trippi makes the trek
Among the 80 or so Hall of Famers in attendance for the weekend was Charlie Trippi, 88, who played in the 1943 Rose Bowl game for Georgia, went into the military and returned after World War II to play two more years for Georgia.
Trippi, a running back, was drafted in 1947 by the Cardinals, then in Chicago, and signed what one newspaper called "the unheard-of sum of $100,000." That season he led the Cardinals to the NFL title.
Blinded by the light
The Bengals, who play the Cowboys here today, toured the Hall of Fame and Terrell Owens walked by, wearing sunglasses in the indoor shrine.
Berman receives award
ESPN's Chris Berman was given the Pete Rozelle radio-television award at the Friday night ceremonies. Peter Finney Sr. of the New Orleans Times-Picayune got the McCann Award of the Pro Football Writers.
McDonald shows old moves
When introduced Friday night, Tommy McDonald, the 5-9 former receiver (1957-1968) with Philadelphia, Dallas, the Rams, Atlanta and Cleveland, danced up the runway and then embraced each of the seven inductees from this year.
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Copyright © 2010 Newsday. All rights reserved.