
Entries from September 1, 2020 - September 30, 2020


The A’s play like the team they’re supposed to be

By Art Spander
For Maven Sports

OAKLAND — Don’t pack away the bunting. Or the hopes. The Athletics’ season goes on. September may have ended Wednesday, but baseball in Oakland continues.

Read the full story here.

Copyright 2020, The Maven


For A’s, a stadium empty of fans but full of bad memories

By Art Spander
For Maven Sports

OAKLAND — An empty stadium, but too full of memories. Virtually nobody in the stands, except workers, but plenty of villains in the mind.

Read the full story here.

Copyright 2020, The Maven


For winning 49ers, issue isn’t who’s not starting but who is

By Art Spander

The beginning of the game was full of warnings on TV. “Not starting today,” said the note under the picture, then it listed players — Nick Bosa and Jimmy Garoppolo prominent among them — and their injuries.

Read the full story here.

Copyright 2020, The Maven


For the 49ers, bad turf and bad vibes

By Art Spander

Their quarterback surely will be out a game or two. Their best defensive lineman will be out for the season. Bad luck or, as some of the 49ers contend, a bad field?

Read the full story here.

Copyright 2020, The Maven


Phil implied there would be trouble — and there was

By Art Spander
For Maven Sports

Golf is different. In team sports, when those in charge no longer believe you are ineffective, that you’re too old, they put you on waivers or drop you — as the San Francisco Giants did recently with longtime favorites Hunter Pence and Pablo Sandoval.

Read the full story here.

Copyright 2020, The Maven