A’s win again, but baseball under shadow of COVID-19

By Art Spander
For Maven Sports
OAKLAND — The bad news was more than 2,000 miles away, yet as near as next door.
Copyright 2020, The Maven
By Art Spander
For Maven Sports
OAKLAND — The bad news was more than 2,000 miles away, yet as near as next door.
Copyright 2020, The Maven
By Art Spander
For Maven Sports
OAKLAND — It wasn’t as strange as you might have imagined, this exhibition game in the middle of summer with photos on cardboard in the seats instead of real, live fans.
Copyright 2020, The Maven
By Art Spander
For Maven Sports
Jack Nicklaus was on the air. Tiger Woods was just off the green. Just like forever.
Except that golf had seemed less important than what it, and virtually every sport, lacked: fans.
Copyright 2020, The Maven
By Art Spander
For Maven Sports
SAN FRANCISCO — Oh yes, center field. John Fogerty sang about it: “Put me in, coach, I’m ready to play.” Willie Mays virtually owned it. Now Mauricio Dubón is trying to prove he belongs there.
Copyright 2020, The Maven
By Art Spander
For Maven Sports
OAKLAND — So the plumbing is bad, but one thing about the Oakland Coliseum, the sound system is world-class. And can be played loudly. Very loudly.
Copyright 2020, The Maven