
Entries in Bud Selig (3)


RealClearSports: Athletics Aren't Going Anywhere

By Art Spander

OAKLAND, Calif. — So where are they going? The Oakland Athletics, that is. Not to Portland. No way. And Major League Baseball has as much chance of succeeding in Las Vegas as Bud Selig would in a one-man revue at the Bellagio.

Selig, not trying to be funny, hinted the A's, the why-won't-the-Giants-give-us-San-Jose A's, might move away from the Bay, meaning the body of water separating San Francisco and its sellout crowds — more than 100 in a row to this point — from the sad turnouts in Oakland.

Read the full story here.

© RealClearSports 2012


RealClearSports: Dodgers: From Brilliance to Desperation

By Art Spander

SAN FRANCISCO — They were the great Dodgers, a sporting model, the franchise that once drew 93,000 for a game, the franchise of Koufax, Scully and Lasorda, the franchise of Frank Sinatra, the franchise that did everything right, while here in the city of faults the Giants seemed to do everything wrong.

The Dodgers made Northern California paranoid. The Dodgers made Northern California jealous. The chant, even to this day, is "Beat L.A.'' by people who'd practically rather have the Dodgers lose than the Giants win.

Read the full story here.

© RealClearSports 2011

RealClearSports: Leaking Baseball's Worst-Kept Secret

By Art Spander

You mean it took secret information to confirm the Pittsburgh Pirates haven't spent for talent? No one could figure that out when the Buccos are waddling through an 18th consecutive losing season?

We needed a leak from the inner sanctums about the financial statements of this team and other teams? Sure. And please put a video on YouTube.

Read the full story here.

© RealClearSports 2010