
Entries from February 1, 2011 - February 28, 2011


SF Examiner: Tiger sent packing at Match Play, still searching for his swing

By Art Spander
Special to The Examiner

They’ve got an airport up Interstate 10 used as a parking lot for dozens of obsolete jets. This is a region for retirement, the Arizona desert, planes and people, a place to reflect on what used to be.

Such as Tiger Woods’ golf game.

Read the full story here.

Copyright 2011 SF Newspaper Company

SF Examiner: Spring brings new challenges for champions

By Art Spander
Special to The Examiner

And so it starts again. The best season in San Francisco Giants history must be relegated to history. It is February, and baseball returns, as always bringing its pleasures and its questions.

What happens in the year after? Does Buster Posey improve, or is there such a thing as the dreaded sophomore jinx? Does Aubrey Huff take his thong and enthusiasm to another level? How does being named “one of the 25 Coolest Athletes of All Time” — ALL TIME — by GQ magazine affect Tim Lincecum?

Read the full story here.

Copyright 2011 SF Newspaper Company

RealClearSports: NBA's All About Glamour Teams

By Art Spander

So, Denver, the city and the team, symbolically lies bleeding and battered. It was overmatched and under-financed. The NBA is a league for the Big Guys, figuratively as well as literally.

In the so-called ultimate team game, everything is under the control of the individual.

Read the full story here.

© RealClearSports 2011

Global Golf Post: Gray Matter: What Was He Thinking?

By Art Spander

PACIFIC PALISADES, CALIFORNIA -- He either is courageous or outrageous. Maybe a little of both. As a television reporter, Jim Gray pushes the envelope, and so after an incident the Golf Channel pushed him off the broadcast of the Northern Trust Open.

Read the full story here.

Copyright 2011 Global Golf Post

Global Golf Post: Definitely Not A Haas-Been

By Art Spander

PACIFIC PALISADES, CALIFORNIA -- A young man born in North Carolina, and raised in South Carolina, Bill Haas has adapted very well to a west which is anything but wild.

Read the full story here.

Copyright 2011 Global Golf Post