Global Golf Post: Clinton Would Bring A-List to Hope

By Art Spander
For GlobalGolfPost.com
LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA -- The first thing to understand is that despite the word play, the tournament is not "Hopeless." A better description would be troubled. Or, perhaps, inconsequential. In modern lingo, the Bob Hope Classic no longer moves the needle.
It has become just another sporting event in a world of too many "just another" sporting events.
Read the full story here.
Copyright 2011 Global Golf Post
For GlobalGolfPost.com
LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA -- The first thing to understand is that despite the word play, the tournament is not "Hopeless." A better description would be troubled. Or, perhaps, inconsequential. In modern lingo, the Bob Hope Classic no longer moves the needle.
It has become just another sporting event in a world of too many "just another" sporting events.
Read the full story here.
Copyright 2011 Global Golf Post
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