Global Golf Post: Almost A Special Win For The 'Nearly Man'

By Art Spander
For GlobalGolfPost.com
The missed putt. That's what everyone remembers. That's what Doug Sanders can't forget.
There went the 28-incher sliding past the cup. There went the 1970 Open Championship. There went the late Pat-Ward Thomas, the esteemed and critical British golf writer, to his knees, peering across the 18th green at St. Andrews and later saying, "A subtle break he didn't see."
Read the full story here.
Copyright 2010 Global Golf Post
For GlobalGolfPost.com
The missed putt. That's what everyone remembers. That's what Doug Sanders can't forget.
There went the 28-incher sliding past the cup. There went the 1970 Open Championship. There went the late Pat-Ward Thomas, the esteemed and critical British golf writer, to his knees, peering across the 18th green at St. Andrews and later saying, "A subtle break he didn't see."
Read the full story here.
Copyright 2010 Global Golf Post
British Open,
Doug Sanders,
Lee Trevino,
St. Andrews

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