
Entries in Tim Lincecum (26)


SF Examiner: Spring brings new challenges for champions

By Art Spander
Special to The Examiner

And so it starts again. The best season in San Francisco Giants history must be relegated to history. It is February, and baseball returns, as always bringing its pleasures and its questions.

What happens in the year after? Does Buster Posey improve, or is there such a thing as the dreaded sophomore jinx? Does Aubrey Huff take his thong and enthusiasm to another level? How does being named “one of the 25 Coolest Athletes of All Time” — ALL TIME — by GQ magazine affect Tim Lincecum?

Read the full story here.

Copyright 2011 SF Newspaper Company

RealClearSports: At Last, Giants Fans Take to the Streets

By Art Spander

SAN FRANCISCO -- They're taking over the streets today. Classic San Francisco. Not for gay rights, however. Or to legalize marijuana - that measure on the California ballot failed to pass Tuesday night.

Or to get the troops out of Afghanistan.

It's to celebrate the Giants' first World Series triumph in San Francisco. It's to celebrate success.

© RealClearSports 2010


SF Examiner: After 52 years in SF, Giants reach pinnacle

By Art Spander
Special to The Examiner

ARLINGTON, TEXAS — Some day became this moment. Disappointment became delight. The agony is over now for San Francisco. The Giants have won the World Series.

Read the full story here.

Copyright 2010 SF Newspaper Company


SF Examiner: A surprising offensive outburst on a magical night

By Art Spander
Special to The Examiner

SAN FRANCISCO — Those were the Giants? That was Cliff Lee? One thing’s for certain, that was a fifth inning, as wild and exhilarating as imaginable.

This wasn’t a game, it was a statement. It was a revelation. It was enough to make you think San Francisco’s time finally is about to arrive.

Copyright 2010 SF Newspaper Company

SF Examiner: The Franchise shows his worth

By Art Spander
Special to The Examiner

It was a game that had the Atlanta Braves reaching for pitches, and the media reaching for comparisons. If it wasn’t the finest game Tim Linececum ever has pitched for the Giants, it no question was the most important he ever pitched.

Read the full story here.

Copyright 2010 SF Newspaper Company