
Entries in Sharks (11)


SF Examiner: Spring unkind to Bay Area teams

By Art Spander
Special to The Examiner

The San Jose Sharks — they’re not to be confused with the San Jose A’s. The A’s still are playing. So are the San Francisco Giants, unfortunately.

If it weren’t for the Houston Astros, the Giants would have a losing record. If it weren’t for the Giants, the A’s would have a losing record. If it weren’t for the Sharks, we’d have to rely on the Warriors’ lottery selection for the story that never ends.

Read the full story here.

Copyright 2010 SF Newspaper Company

RealClearSports: Sharks: Smoke, Fire and More Disappointment

By Art Spander

Steve Jobs, the poo-bah from Apple, has invented a new sport. He and his wealthy pals from down here in Silicon Valley buy those Segway machines, the ones that look part scooter, part cycle and cost a cool $5,000. Then they use them to play polo.

Cheaper than a string of ponies, is their contention.

Read the full story here.

© RealClearSports 2010

SF Examiner: Sharks trying to avoid Bay Area curse

By Art Spander
Special to the Examiner

SAN FRANCISCO — Now it is the Sharks’ turn to overcome the Curse of the Bay-bino. No, our teams didn’t sell Babe Ruth — just traded Willie Mays and Mark McGwire — but they’ve been undone by a jinx, the Left Coast version.

Fame of late has been achieved less through suspension bridges than suspended belief. They did what? We’re the kings of the “Here We Go Again” syndrome.

Read the full story here.

Copyright 2010 SF Newspaper Company

RealClearSports: Sharks Stifle Ghosts of the Red Wings

By Art Spander

SAN JOSE -- The ghosts were knocked around the ice Thursday night. So were the Detroit Red Wings. But for the San Jose Sharks, it's never been what happened in the present, but what didn't happen in the past.

Maybe it's about to change.

Read the full story here.

© RealClearSports 2010

SF Examiner: Bad news Bay Area at it again

By Art Spander
Special to The Examiner

SAN FRANCISCO — It was another of those should have, could have days for the Bay Area, the ones overloaded with bad memories and worse possibilities.

There was Manny Ramirez standing at the plate for the Dodgers, two outs in the eighth and you knew what was going to happen.

Read the full story here.

Copyright 2010 SF Newspaper Company