S.F. Examiner: Former Cal running back, Vallejo native keeps defying odds
8:04 AM
Art Spander in Broncos, C.J. Anderson, Super Bowl 50, articles, football

By Art Spander
Special to The Examiner

The distance Cortelle Javon Anderson traveled should not be measured in distance — practicing for Super Bowl 50, he is only 70 miles from his hometown of Vallejo — but in achievement. He’s done what few beyond Anderson or his mother believed was possible in the classroom or on the football field.

It’s a tough, industrial community, Vallejo, filled with the offspring of workers — many African-American, many from the South — who came to work in the Mare Island shipyards during World War II. The headlines from Vallejo these days too often are negative ones dealing with crime or unemployment.

Read the full story here.

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Article originally appeared on Art Spander (http://www.artspander.com/).
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