S.F. Examiner: Curry, Panthers converge in greatness
10:16 AM
Art Spander in Panthers, Stephen Curry, Super Bowl 50, articles, football

By Art Spander
Special to The Examiner

The jersey is in a safe. “And I won’t tell you where the safe is,” said Stephen Curry, playing a figurative game of keep-away with the skill he plays the actual game of basketball. The jersey is that of the Carolina Panthers, Curry’s other team. At the moment, maybe his primary team.

“I’ve had it for a while,” said Curry. It’s the Panthers’ white jersey, with blue and black numbers and edging, the same as they wore Sunday in mauling the Arizona Cardinals, 49-14.

Read the full story here.

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Article originally appeared on Art Spander (http://www.artspander.com/).
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