SF Examiner: This year's San Francisco 49ers reminiscent of 1981 team
1:22 PM
Art Spander in 49ers, articles, football
By Art Spander
Special to The Examiner

What’s made this 49ers season, this delightful journey, even more fulfilling is no one saw this coming. In a way, it’s similar to 1981, the year that changed the way the Bay Area, really the entire country, judged the franchise.

There were no expectations back then, other than the fact that somehow the Niners wouldn’t win. But as we know, they did win, and San Francisco, beside itself with joy, celebrated as it never did again. The first time never can be repeated.

Read the full story here.

Copyright 2011 SF Newspaper Company
Article originally appeared on Art Spander (http://www.artspander.com/).
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